Di and Zach went to the same college, but never met. Zach was older than Di, but they had a lot of the same mutual friends, including Zach’s sisters. Di has always heard so many wonderful things about Zach, his friends spoke highly of him. Di was scrolling through social media when she finally saw […]

Aug 9, 2022


Claire and Will celebrated their black tie wedding in downtown South Bend this July. The two of them met while at college through a mutual friend. They didn’t start dating until a year after they were introduced. They dated through college and were long distance for a few years after graduation when Will was stationed […]

Jul 27, 2022


Katherine and Matt met while doing a summer program at Notre Dame in high school. They were each others prom dates and have been together ever since. And this just they celebrated 11 years together with a Basilica Wedding at The University of Notre Dame. It was the place it all started. The Basilica was […]

Jul 25, 2022


Catherine and Mark celebrated their colorful spring wedding at Notre Dame, the place where it all started. They met one of the first days of school freshman year at Notre Dame. Both Chemical Engineering majors and were in the Introduction to Engineering course together. They started out as friends and classmates, casually exchanging numbers to […]

Jul 22, 2022


Meagan and Jeff had what felt like an intimate wedding at Downes Club at Notre Dame. They may have had a big guest list, but their wedding was incredibly personal. Each and every one of their guests were excited to be there and excited to share the joy that Meagan and Jeff had in joining […]

Jul 20, 2022


The Start of Something Special In late August 2018, Kate and Mike attended a mutual friend’s birthday party where they met for the first time and had a short conversation. After running into each other several times over the next couple of weeks (and a follow on Instagram from Kate), Mike asked Kate to go […]

Jun 16, 2022


Andrew knew for a long time that he was going to propose to Corinne. He bought the ring a full year before he proposed to her in the mountains. He even went to the lengths of hiding the ring inside his computer so she wouldn’t snoop around and find it. And since we couldn’t do […]

Jun 10, 2022


Rachel and Noah met at Concordia College in Chicago. They were on the same youth ministry team. Even though there was an unwritten rule to not date until the end of your first semester, Rachel and Noah still decided to pursue their relationship. Their first date was to an organ concert at the church they […]

Jun 9, 2022


I took a little trip out of town last month to take some engagement photos at the Merchant Exchange Building in Philadelphia. When Tori and Jeff reached out to me to photograph their wedding next June, I jumped at the chance to take their engagement photos in Philadelphia. Philadelphia is the place where their relationship […]

Jun 8, 2022


Is it me or has this spring been abnormally rainy? The rain gave Meagan and Joseph a beautiful cloudy Lake Michigan engagement session. It was nice chatting with them about their relationship and their upcoming September wedding at Journeyman Distillery in Three Oaks. I also got to look around the town and the beach where […]

Jun 3, 2022