Kara and Daniel | Purdue University Engagement Session


This is long awaited for me to share but I am so excited to finally have it up on the blog! Kara and Daniel’s engagement session in West Lafayette was beautiful! We couldn’t have asked for a better day to photograph. Yes, it was REALLY HOT (heat index of 104) but the lighting was beautiful, the breeze was nice and the compliments they got for their precious pup made for a perfect evening.

We spent the session laughing, talking about their wedding plans, I met Kara’s mom and we chatted as they changed outfits, but most of all talking about the move that they were making the very next day to their new home in West Palm Beach, Florida!! Kara was ready to move and be with her fiance, who had been down there for 6 weeks at the time. And it was nice to walk around campus with them, the place they had met and fell in love, for the last time as West Lafayette residence.

I am so excited for their June wedding at Swan Lake in Plymouth. It’s going to be great to see them and their tan Florida skin next summer!

Aug 6, 2019

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